NEWS: INTRANAV has been acquired by Inpixon, innovators of Indoor Intelligence for people, places and things. Visit to learn more.  |  READ ANNOUNCEMENT

NEWS: INTRANAV wurde von Inpixon übernommen, dem Innovator von Indoor Intelligence für Menschen, Orte und Dinge. Website besuchen.  |  MITTEILUNG LESEN


[ Multi-RTLS Technology ]

Seamless transport vehicle tracking und workflow automation between indoor and outdoor areas

INTRANAV presents a series of the first Multi-RTLS technology use cases for the implementation of sophisticated Industry 4.0 strategies.

Indoor and outdoor areas are virtually connected through Multi-RTLS technology, ensuring seamless real-time location tracking through INTRANAV.UWB and INTRANAV.GPS precise. Powered by the new INTRANAV.RTLS Vehicle TAG+, which combines both technologies as well as RFID.

Even in application scenarios with complex factors, such as changing environments, interference from metal, harsh environments and other high location accuracy requirements, Multi-RTLS technology keeps location signal stable, enabling high reliability in auto-ID processes as well as digital workflows.

The RTLS platform INTRANAV.IO manages all positioning data and orchestrates it for further data interaction and transfers it into existing software system landscapes, such as for example SAP.

▶️ Learn about the applications you can implement with Multi-RTLS transport vehicle tracking in your warehouse and outdoor storage. Get to know what benefits as well as investment certainty you can achieve with hybrid RTLS technology!

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