2020-12-02 11:30:00

Intelligent intra-navigation: optimization of hybrid transport fleets with 5G and
UWB-IoT based real-time positioning
Our Co-Founder Ersan Günes, will introduce you in his online keynote at 1. Bayerischer Materialflusskongress of IT-Logistik Cluster to intelligent intra-navigation.
Due to the holistic and fast progressing autonomization of internal transport traffic, the challenge arises how problematic traffic situations of mixed fleets (autonomous and non-autonomous) can be controlled efficiently and correctly. This requires an “indoor” traffic information system that adapts traffic routes, based on real-time information from road users to ensure a smooth flow of traffic. With the advent of modern latency-optimized radio data transmission technologies such as 5G and so-called precise microlocation systems such as UWB, cost-effective positioning and data collection is feasible with INTRANAV IoT solutions.
In this keynote we will discuss practical examples of implementation, a current market overview, trends to be observed, necessary prerequisites, and important planning recommendations.
Register now for the free online event!