NEWS: INTRANAV has been acquired by Inpixon, innovators of Indoor Intelligence for people, places and things. Visit to learn more.  |  READ ANNOUNCEMENT

NEWS: INTRANAV wurde von Inpixon übernommen, dem Innovator von Indoor Intelligence für Menschen, Orte und Dinge. Website besuchen.  |  MITTEILUNG LESEN


INTRANAV RTLS IoT Suite presented at the BVL technologie radar

The BVL-technology radar provides a broad market overview of existing IoT technologies, such as autonomous robot carriers, pick-by-light, RTLS, collaborative picking carts, and many more.

We from INTRANAV are very proud to be part of the platform with our INTRANAV RTLS IoT Suite!

▶️ Visit INTRANAV and other smart logistics and production-related technologies at the technology radar!

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Sie wollen wissen, wie Sie mit Echtzeitortung Ihre Prozesse effizienter gestalten können?

Unser Team berät Sie gerne mit umfassendem Know-how aus der RTLS Welt!